MetaA2. Does music exist prior to its composer's discovery of it?
Introduction to music existing prior to composer's discovery[edit]
Reasons to think music does exist prior to the composer's discovery[edit]
Reasons to think music does NOT exist prior to the composer's discovery[edit]
Of course, music does not exist prior to a composer producing the music for the first time. If no composer ever wrote the music, no one would ever hear any music. Music cannot exist unless one hears it. If no sounds are ever heard or hearable by any conscious beings then no music exists. Music exists to be experienced through hearing. If it is impossible to hear it then there cannot be any music to be heard.
How much music is there if it exists prior to any composer's discovery? It could not be a finite amount of music or it would be possible because easily conceivable for a composer to compose from the infinity of possible musical scores and any finitely individualized (i., countably distinct) number of items as musical compositions by definition of their finitude contain all of the infinite number of possible musical compositions.
CONCLUSION: If the eternally existing abstract objects outside of space and time musical compositions were only finite in number, then it would be possible for a composer to compose a musical compositions lying outside of that finitude because if the infinite number of possible musical compositions.
Such a thing is self-contradictory. If a composer has not yet composed a piece of music there isn't anything available such that a listener could hear anything regarding this composition. It is not tied to any author. If no one has composed any music then there simply isn't anything that can be that composition.
Suppose that the abstract object composition gets played by baby chimpanzees playing piano keys. No one will recognize or could possibly recognize as a pre-existing composition. It would just be piano sounds being played by chimpanzees.
Why there must be an infinite possible number of musical compositions[edit]
➢ What is available in musical compositions such that we can understand that there are an infinite number of possibilities for variations.
If one considers infinitely long compositions then one could have this one series. play note C once then note c twice then three times to infinitity.
This is only one composition although it is itself infinitely long and there is no last series of notes because there are always a finite series that has been played at any time with an infinite amount to go.
To get an infinite variety of different co positions take this first one and change every hundredth grouping of C notes with playing note A, etc.